Vincent Brandon - Thoughts & Archives

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A blonde looking away through a window. I’m going to show you magic. Chances are you are working on a spell right now. That you’ll look up from this very book and lance out at an innocent, leaving a weak impression like the afterglow of a connection. I’ll show you magic through story. A story about a boy who falls in love and wants the world to give everything to his affection....

March 7, 2023 · 4 min · 668 words · Vincent Brandon

Hyacy Alpha Frontend

Hyacy Alpha is Live Neon outline of a hyacinth flower Alpha available at I hoped to have a full system up within a week. Of course, that was ridiculous considering my piss poor knowledge of modern frontend stacks. Amazingly, thanks to Vue’s reasonable workings, ok documentation, and ChatGPT’s steadfast, patient, guidance, it’s up. And improving. I’m excited. Nervous. And trying to get the feedback system up to start rounds of finetuning the model....

February 23, 2023 · 2 min · 214 words · Vincent Brandon

Starting Hyacy

Building Hyacy Snakes crawling up beautiful structures protecting warm lamps. What is Hyacy? Named after the hyacinth flower, Hyacy is a tool to help people understand what’s being said. It’s also a word now. hyacy: (noun) The undercurrent of human interaction. More specifically, Hyacy is a humana interaction analysis system using modern large language models (LLMs) to deciper intent from context and unfiltered human communication streams....

February 15, 2023 · 6 min · 1127 words · Vincent Brandon

Open Assistant Malware Detection Part 1

Generated Content Is Dangerous A New Pandora's Box Streaming it is stupid. And stupidly useful. So let’s try to do it safe. Part 1: Malware Detection At first we failed. The Sophos SOREL-20M dataset and accompanying models work on compiled binaries. The OpenAssistant InstructGPT pipe does not currently include a compilation pipe. Probably a good thing until we sort a few things out. Anyway, unless we want to code detect and dynamically compile output from the LLM system, this approach won’t work....

February 7, 2023 · 2 min · 249 words · Vincent Brandon

Testing Python Across Environments

Designing Python Projects For Multi Environment 2023 Edition Every time I greenfield a project, I’m struck by how many pitfalls I find as I promote from proof of concept to production. I wanted to sit down and do a brief exercise circa February 2023 on running a simple two actor system (backend, database) from local development out through GKE. I. Introduction It is important to design systems to be tested because testing is an essential part of the development process that ensures the quality and reliability of the system....

February 3, 2023 · 3 min · 637 words · Vincent Brandon