Refreshers in Go

It’s been a while since my last Go backend. Every time I come back to the language, I feel like I learn a lot more about it. I’m so much more comfortable with Python, it’s always a bit of a trick switching over. I want to start bridging the gap, though. Using Go where it’s performance really shines - in this case rapidly embedding millions of rows of identification data!

Our first conversations about learning


I have always liked the programming language Go.  The language fits a project I'm doing now.  I hope to be greatly assisted by yourself, AI.  What are the top three things I should focus on while I refresh my knowledge of the language?


Certainly! Here are three things you might want to focus on as you refresh your knowledge of Go:

    Concurrency: Go is known for its support for concurrency, and this is a key feature of the language. You should familiarize yourself with Go's concurrency model, including goroutines and channels, and learn how to use them effectively to write concurrent programs.

    The Go standard library: Go has a rich standard library that provides a wide range of functionality, including support for networking, IO, and more. You should take some time to explore the standard library and become familiar with the various packages and functions it provides.

    Best practices: Go has a set of conventions and best practices that are followed by most Go programmers. These include things like naming conventions, formatting, and testing. You should familiarize yourself with these best practices, as they will help you write code that is easier to read, maintain, and debug.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


does tensorflow support golang?


Yes, TensorFlow does support Go (also known as Golang). You can use TensorFlow with Go to build machine learning models and perform other tasks related to machine learning and data science.

To use TensorFlow with Go, you will need to install the TensorFlow package for Go. You can do this using the go command:

go get

This will install the TensorFlow package in your Go workspace, and you can then import it in your Go code using the following import statement:

import ""

Once you have installed the TensorFlow package, you can use it to perform tasks such as building and training machine learning models, evaluating models, and making predictions.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Looks like I’m on the right course. I wonder if I can get the text from chat GPT out as markdown instead of rendered text…

Onto lessons. I’m super excited. Been wanting to to a compiled data processing application for a minute!