Hyacy Alpha is Live

Neon outline of a hyacinth flower

Alpha available at https://alpha.hyacy.com

I hoped to have a full system up within a week. Of course, that was ridiculous considering my piss poor knowledge of modern frontend stacks. Amazingly, thanks to Vue’s reasonable workings, ok documentation, and ChatGPT’s steadfast, patient, guidance, it’s up. And improving. I’m excited. Nervous. And trying to get the feedback system up to start rounds of finetuning the model. One step at a time.

PS. Frontend is hard. It’s amazing to me how…intuitive a frontend needs to be for average users. How difficult it is to actually manage it. I never understood how important it is to signal things are going on in the background and turn off buttons to prevent suicide clicks. Oi.

Special Thanks to:

ChatGPT Thank you for organizing my thoughts and pointing me in the right direction.

GitHub CoPilot Thank you for finishing my sentences.

Vue Thank you for not being ridiculous and somewhat reasonable. I still don’t understand state stores and exports. Working on it.

MongoDB Thank you for keeping your community database free, having developer plans on your site, and making a rock solid python client. Not having to do relational modeling or deal with schemas sped up my backend time by 10x.