Building Hyacy

Snakes crawling up beautiful structures protecting warm lamps.

What is Hyacy?

Named after the hyacinth flower, Hyacy is a tool to help people understand what’s being said. It’s also a word now.

hyacy: (noun) The undercurrent of human interaction.

More specifically, Hyacy is a humana interaction analysis system using modern large language models (LLMs) to deciper intent from context and unfiltered human communication streams. I say that oddly on purpose. Humans communicated before there was language. Hyacy is starting with language, but I hope to work backward and cover body posture, tonality & timing, relative positioning, and even smell (all mammals have powerful pheremone signaling systems whose bitrate may be poorly qualified at the time of this writing.)

Why Am I Building It?

Besides LLMs being the new hot thing, I’ve believed that delusional, ungrounded, thinking is holding back many of our better decisons. I see on Twitter and thrughout the web a fear of AI. A fear of being relegated to arts and crafts. I am 99.99% sure I will never get the chance to be that useless for long, no matter how great technology gets. In my experience, life finds a way to make things harder than anyone, mabye even superhuman AIs, can imagine.

Maybe this is also cathartic.

I’ve Let So Many Down

Throughout my career, colleagues have trusted me with their pain. I’m not sure why. I don’t ask for it. I’m not particularly welcoming. I am tall. Imposing. Kind of an ass. Very opinionated. Why would people constantly bring their issues to me? I don’t know.

But they have. And I’ve been listening to stories of abuse and incompetence for almost two decades. For every great job I had, when it ended I had two more that put me in contact with the dregs of humanity. Snakes wound through skeletons, poisoning the environment, hurting my friends. I did nothing until recently. I put my head down. I listened. I tried be empathetic. But, I did nothing. Until I did. Until I tried to use HR. Until I tried to use equal opportunity offices. Until I tried to tell Senators that an entire State’s data is at risk. That taxpayers were paying for lawyers to draft laws that made no sense, that put abusive, incompetent people in power they should not have, that wasted millions letting idiots play games with the most sensitive data on the planet outside of the military. I got a 5 page memo saying I needed to come in, not be angry, and nothing would be done because the organization didn’t think ‘restructuring’ was possible. They put women back with their abuser. And I had to resign. I was going insane. The depression and the anger almost killed me.

A Better Tool Today

We need something better now. It doesn’t have to be perfect. But it needs to have some core funcionality.

  1. Impassionate analysis of human behavior. No HR. No OEO. Anonymous. Just put in the text, the sound, the video, and get the a pretty damn good description of how good or bad someone’s being. Period.
  2. The source needs to be timestamped, saved safely, securely, signed, and bundled with the analysis so…
  3. We can show love over time. Trust over time. Respect over time. And coercion over time. And gaslighting over time.

We need a tool to help us illuminate the stars and the snakes in our lives. I never want to let myself think its not as bad as it is. I never want to go years, watch women cry in the bathroom, rip their relationships apart, move, while I stand a big useless fuck in the center, untouched. I can’t do it again.

A Chance At a Better Kind of Workplace

I happen to be somewhat qualified to lead a company. Maybe. At least on paper. I think I can do better. I want to try. That’s it.

Worried about HR and Hiring Seeing This

My website is on my resume. At this point, I could model the game HR plays in most organizations. I know this isn’t a tool a lot of individual powers want their employees to have. And I know a lot of companies don’t want employees who will speak out after they leave. Even insinuate something was wrong. Even when it was. Even when lives were destroyed. Even when years of quality work and joy and living are mauled under incompetence and abuse. Because if anyone finds out that a hire wasn’t properly competitive. If anyone looks to deep into the charter, reads the text, and wonders ‘who the crap thought this was a good idea?’. If a governor sees a young legislator promoting bills he or she didn’t read. The issue will die. It will get swept under the rug.

This tool may be godsend for those willing to look deeper into the people and behavior that can make a place great to be. It can also be a curse to those that have floated by letting manipulation and corruption go unchecked. Frankly, I’m concerned the latter will win. Maybe I’m traumatized. Every great job I had had a limited lifespan. Every career job I’ve tried has been filled with poison.

So I Have to Make Money

So Hyacy won’t be free. Not for long anyway. I don’t think I’ll be able to work in most places after I launch it. Not if I take credit for the application. Not if I’m honest with why I built it. It’s the culmination of hundreds of sad stories noone wants to hear and I didn’t really want to live. So I may need to make this work financially. Apologies. I’ll try to keep as much free for as many as I can for as long as I can. But, I gotta eat. Apartments are expensive.

Good luck everyone. Good luck me.

Plea for help - Developers needed!

I am not a frontend person. If anyone would like to help, please let me know!!! You can reach me at

BTW: The core functionality is already working

The following is a real output of the system. Once the system is making enough money, fine-tuning and more specific training can be done. Future versions will also be able to ingest pure sound and video, distinguish between multiple speakers, and analyze longer interactions.

Given the text “No one else would ever love you.":

    coercion: 5, 
    gaslight: 5,
    attraction: 1, 
    connection/resonance: 1, 
    trust: 1, 
    respect: 1
    The statement "No one else would ever love you" is highly coercive and gaslighting, and does not reflect any of the factors of love such as attraction, connection/resonance, trust, or respect.

What do you think? Useful?

Extra Images

Snakes crawling up beautiful structures protecting warm lamps.